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Marine Mammals of the World A Comprehensive Guide to ~ This new edition of Marine Mammals of the World describes and illustrates newly discovered and rarely photographed species making it the most comprehensive and uptodate identification guide available
Marine Mammals of the World A Comprehensive Guide to ~ Marine Mammals of the World A Comprehensive Guide to Their Identification is the one book that anyone seeking to identify the world’s marine mammals―dead or alive―should have on their shelf … Most helpfully the text … is supported by a generous number of highquality illustrations and photographs that show the diagnostic physical and behavioral characteristics of each species from a variety of angles …
Marine Mammals of the World A Comprehensive Guide to ~ Marine Mammals of the World A Comprehensive Guide to Their Identification is the one book that anyone seeking to identify the world’s marine mammals—dead or alive—should have on their shelf … Most helpfully the text … is supported by a generous number of highquality illustrations and photographs that show the diagnostic physical and behavioral characteristics of each species from a variety of angles …
Marine Mammals of the World A Comprehensive Guide to ~ This is THE identification guide for the marine mammals of the world The species reviews is more than usual in this kind of guides very detailed and with current information It is plenty of photographs and figures almost all of them very explicit The species list reflects the changing and in some cases unclear taxonomy of cetaceans
Marine Mammals of the World A Comprehensive Guide to ~ With coverage on all the marine mammals of the world authors Jefferson Webber and Pitman have created a userfriendly guide to identify marine mammals alive in nature at sea or on the beach
Marine Mammals of the World 2nd Edition ~ This new edition of Marine Mammals of the World describes and illustrates newly discovered and rarely photographed species making it the most comprehensive and uptodate identification guide available
Marine Mammals of the World ScienceDirect ~ Description With coverage on all the marine mammals of the world authors Jefferson Webber and Pitman have created a userfriendly guide to identify marine mammals alive in nature at sea or on the beach dead specimens “in hand” and also to identify marine mammals based on features of the skull
Marine Mammals of the World A Comprehensive Guide to ~ Truly is a comprehensive guide to the identification of the world s marine mammals The authors compiled a unique combination of identification tools into a single volume detailed species accounts descriptive photographs dichotomous keys and trait comparison tables
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