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Addicted definition of addicted by The Free Dictionary ~ ad·dict ədĭkt′ ad·dict·ed ad·dict·ing ad·dicts 1 To cause to have a medically or psychologically significant addiction The thief was addicted to cocaine My uncle is addicted to gambling 2 a To occupy oneself with or involve oneself in something habitually That show was so good that I became addicted to watching it b To
Addicted Definition of Addicted by MerriamWebster ~ Addicted definition is having an addiction How to use addicted in a sentence
Addicted Definition of Addicted at ~ a person who is addicted to an activity habit or substance a drug addict verb used with object to cause to become physiologically or psychologically dependent on an addictive substance as alcohol or a narcotic
Addicted 2014 Rotten Tomatoes ~ Based on the bestselling novel by Zane ADDICTED is a sexy and provocative thriller about desire and the dangers of indiscretion Successful businesswoman Zoe Reynard Sharon Leal appears to
Watch Addicted Prime Video ~ At 14 years old Kristina Wandzilak became addicted to drugs and alcohol turning to theft and prostitution to support her habits throughout her early life Today she is clean and sober and through her role as a family interventionist Kristina uses her past experiences to help other addicts into recovery
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